Share to download WordPress plugin to lock your content

Share to download WordPress plugin allow you to force your users to first share your content on social media sites such as facebook, twitter or google plus. This might be important for you if you create free software and all you want from your users is to share your content. It protects your download with social share buttons. Secondly google also considers social media backlinks in its search ranking now, so it will also help you rank higher in search result.

Best free share to download WordPress plugin:

The best free share to download WordPress plugin that i found is wplike2get. It has the following features:

share to download wordpress plugin

3 Social Media Buttons:

You have to choice to use either all of the three “facebook,twitter and google plus” or you can choose which social network that you are going to allow. For example you can allow only twitter share button.

Google analytic:

You can also use Google analytic to track your clicks on the social share buttons.


The social media buttons are loaded on by shortcodes. You can also decide a different name of the download link. A complete shortcode for downloads looks like that: [l2g name=”Download this awesome file” id=”999″ facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”] a complete shortcode for hiding content looks like that: [l2g facebook=”true” twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”] here is your content to hide until user likes the content[/l2g]

share to download wordpress plugin


share to download wordpress plugin


Shortcode options

  • id => id of the attachment
  • name => some text
  • twitter => true|false
  • facebook => true|false
  • gplusone => true|false
  • single => true|false if true show only on singular views (since v1.2.2)
  • home_text => some text only displayed when single is true (since v1.2.2)
  • like_url => url for all activated social networks to like
  • facebook_url => add the url the user should like, will not detect likes from the past
  • twitter_url => add the url the user should tweet/follow, will not detect likes from the past
  • gplusone_url => add the url the user should plus, will not detect likes from the past

So what are you waiting for go ahead and The best free share to download WordPress plugin.

If you run into any problems feel free to ask them in the comment section below. If you have and suggestion or if you know about any other plugin in sight that is even more awesome do tell me in the comment section below.

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